Hotels & Accommodations
Comfort & Value
From location and price to amenities and dining options, Vicky Rogers Travels finds the right accommodations to meet your needs and preferences. I offer exclusive rates for a huge selection of hotels, bed and breakfasts, and short-term rentals. Give me a call to see what new deals I’ve got in store for you.
Wyner Five Stars
If you are looking for a five star accommodation at an affordable nightly rate, Vicky Rogers Travels can help. I am currently offering great deals at the Wyner Five Stars — one of the top spots to stay in town. Lock in your reservation at my exclusive rate by getting in touch with me today.
Best Eastern
Did you book your flight and are now looking for a place to spend your nights? I’m currently offering great deals to stay at the Best Eastern. Situated in a great location, Best Eastern comes with a selection of amenities and provides guests with easy access to the city’s best sites.
Hilltin Royal
Reserve your accommodations now and save big! Vicky Rogers Travels deals to stay at the Hilltin Royal are going fast. This is a great place for business people, families, and travelers interested in experiencing all that the city has to offer. Give me a call to secure the best price and book today.
Book your accommodations today.